In this thought-provoking episode of "The Indie Unplugged," host B. Vaughan sits down with Mogul Mal, a dynamic hip-hop artist, songwriter, producer, podcaster, and fervent community activist hailing from the historical backdrop of Oklahoma's Black Wall Street. Now making his mark in Atlanta, Mogul Mal dives deep into his artistic journey, discussing how his roots have shaped his music and activism.
This episode unveils Mogul Mal’s latest project, "Black in Amerikkka," which intriguingly uses music to comment on the complex tapestry of the Black experience in the United States. Released on the significant date of Juneteenth, this work interweaves personal narratives with broader societal reflections, capturing the nuanced realities of African American life.
Beyond music, the conversation explores Mogul Mal's dedication to community empowerment. He shares his experiences and insights on leveraging his artistic platform to advocate for social change, reflecting on how living in Atlanta has influenced both his career and his activism. The discussion also touches on the responsibilities artists bear in using their voices for advocacy, the challenges they face in the industry, and the importance of understanding and navigating the business aspects of music to amplify their impact.
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