Nov 1, 2023Liked by We Create Music TV

I work as an executive coach for creative professionals in music, tv, film, arts, entertainment, etc. The number one challenge I see is lack of inner confidence. Meaning too many of us are looking for validation outside of ourselves to become great, forgetting that greatness comes from doing and being (read: inside out work). Wishing you all a blessed and safe holiday season and #keepgoing

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I appreciate your prompt response and your insights on the topic of validation. I see validation from others having a dual nature, acting as both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it serves as a blessing when we receive approval from our peers and those we admire. It feels wonderful to hear someone say, "Your album/song is fantastic!" or "You delivered an outstanding performance last night."

However, the curse lies in the fact that many people use external validation as a yardstick to measure their own worth and self-confidence. I've personally experienced the downside of this myself, and it's far from an enjoyable place to be. It can lead to self-doubt and, at times, even make one contemplate giving up.

I couldn't agree more with the idea that true greatness emanates from within and is a product of diligent internal work. I delve into this concept extensively in my 7 Habits for Music Creators series.

I wish you a safe and blessed holiday season, and once again, I want to express my gratitude for your response.

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Money to fund projects and shows. Studio time is high and finding a place to perform isn't cheap.

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